BAHARI PHARMACY LTD, is a private pharmaceutical distribution company registered on 2004 under the Companies Ordinance Cap 212 and issued with a Certificated of the Incorporation No. 48781 of even date. It has a valid License No. B.000972107 and TIN No. 00148290 and ID No. 105313-292 of February 2007.
Bahari Pharmacy Ltd, an entirely Tanzanian private capital company, is a lead player in the intermediate distribution of pharmaceutical and para-pharmaceutical products in Tanzania, and East Africa at large. Found by Mr. Churchill Katwaza in 1995 as a sole proprietorship, it is from this, Bahari Pharmacy Limited was brought to its existence in 2004. The company has maintained a distinctly familial management across the course of its history. This has encouraged steady and continuous growth over time, and ensured maximum transparency, accountability and reliability to all of its stakeholders.
The Company which has its Head Quarter at Pugu Road, Plot No. 05 Opposite National Panasonic Factory, Dar-es-Salaam which is the most important logistic centre because it has a distribution system that can adapt to any customer requirements, from where it manages to coordinate, on daily basis, its entire distribution network, providing a fast and efficient service nationally and internationally. The company has four more branch Offices in Coast Region opposite Tumbi Hospital, two in Ilala district at Ukonga area and along Kipata and Nyamwezi street in kariakoo area.
Our appreciation and thanks goes out to our employees that have made Bahari Pharmacy Limited what it is today, to our suppliers and to our customers, patients and users of the products and services we avail. We look forward to the continued development of our products and services in order to better build the health of the nation.
To be a pace setting Conglomerate in domestic and International markets, having diversified investments which increase value for consumers while giving back to society. We will effectively utilize resources and nurture local talent to achieve our objectives.
To be a dynamic, Flagship Tanzanian Conglomerate providing quality product, services and manufactured goods in domestic and international markets, through investments which increase shareholder value.We will value innovation, commitment, excellence and team work. We will exceed perceived limits and expand our horizons through public and private partnerships which utilize resources effectively.
➜To strive for continual leadership in the sales and marketing of quality pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, surgical and consumer products and added-value services.
➜To maximize our overall efficiency in supply chain management and minimize operational costs to provide products and services at the most affordable prices.
➜To better meet customers’ demands by widening our portfolio with relevant products.
➜To retain and grow a satisfied customer base.
➜To develop, groom and grow a cohesive motivated team.
➜To provide a stimulating and conducive work environment.
➜To uphold high standards of ethics and integrity in our business.
The company has business network through out the country and has at least one major wholesaler distributor in all big cities throughout Tanzania.
➢ The Company currently is a prime vendor for 5 Regions Dodoma, Morogoro, Singida, Ilala Zone, Temeke and Kigamboni Zone in Dar es salaam region. Also is one among five qualified vendors under all USAID FUNDED ORGANISATIONS
➢ It supplies directly to Government Hospitals/ Institutions/ NGOs/ Faith Based Oganisation . /FBO’s and has several contracts with Medical Store Department (MSD).